The attractive checkerboard flower itself multiply

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
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The checkerboard flower multiplies itself over seeds

The attractive checkerboard flower itself multiply

The chess flower with its interesting patterned flowers is one of the most unique plants in the wetland bed. At the same time, the onion plant proves to be extremely robust and easy to care for. How you multiply the beautiful beauty of the garden yourself, we explain in the following article.

Early Article Cultivate the checkerboard flower in the pot Next article Is the checkerboard flower completely hardy?


As with all lily plants, the onion of the checkerboard flower is scaly. This typical structure allows easy, vegetative propagation. The ideal time for this is the late summer, when the chess flower has completely absorbed the foliage. Follow these steps:

Once the scales have formed roots, cover them with soil until only a small point is visible. Put the pots to cool now, ideally five degrees Celsius. Optimal is a frost-free but not too dark room, such as an unheated garage or garden shed. When temperatures rise in the spring, place the pots on the balcony, where the small plants and their onions are allowed to grow vigorously until early autumn.

Propagation by seeds

At an optimal location, the chess flower is often self-sufficient and forms dense flower carpets over time. You can help a little by sowing the seeds in the fall in the autumn. Cover the ground with tight-knit wire so that the hungry birds do not feed on the seeds during the barren winter months.

If you want to be sure that the checkerboard is germinating, you should choose a place with as even temperature conditions as possible. Ideal for this is the refrigerator, in which you should give the germination dishes a cool place with about four degrees temperature.


The onions of the chess flower dry out very quickly and should therefore be planted as fresh as possible in the soil.