Comprehensive profile - Information about the sorrel shortly

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Say It Right | Jamie Big Sorrel Hor | jamie32bsh Tiktok Trend
Video: Say It Right | Jamie Big Sorrel Hor | jamie32bsh Tiktok Trend


Sorrel flowers white to pale pink

Allumfaser Steckbrief - Information about the sorrel shortly

From the sorrel there are around 800 species worldwide. In this country, especially the forest sorrel is known and relevant. Maybe you have ever met him in the forest? But what do you actually know about him?

Wanted poster to the sorrel

Where the name comes from

The sorrel owes its name to its taste. It is edible and tastes mainly sour. Discreet is also a fruity note perceive. The sour taste results from the contained oxalic acid, which is toxic in large quantities.

Claims to the location

The ability to thrive in the shade benefits the sorrel. But he prefers a sunny to partially shaded place, for example, on meadows and on roadsides. The soil should be slightly acidic, well drained, moderately nutritious and ideally humic.

An annoying weed and strong herb

Many gardeners, the sorrel is known as an annoying weed. You just will not let him go. This can be due to his preference for self-sowing ... But where does this plant grow naturally, if not in gardens? It is more or less common throughout Europe. It can be found up to altitudes of 2,000 m. She prefers deciduous and coniferous forests as a home.

Not to be underestimated is the healing power of the sorrel, which is why fighting should be reconsidered. It can be applied both internally and externally and helps, for example, with rheumatic complaints. It purifies the blood, reduces fever and diuretic.

By which you recognize him!

Between 5 and 15 cm, the sorrel becomes high with its pillow-like growth. Its three-part pinnate leaves are heart-shaped and fresh green in color. In spring the tender flowers pile up above the leaves. They are solitary, cup-shaped and white to pink.


Even if the sorrel is very similar to the meadow clover. These two plants are not related, because they come from two different plant families.