Grow hops in the garden - how it's done!

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Grow hops in the garden - how it's done! - Garden
Grow hops in the garden - how it's done! - Garden


Hops need a rank aid

Grow hops in the garden - how it's done!

Hops are not only grown on a large scale for beer production. Even in the garden, the ornamental and medicinal plant is a real eye-catcher. In addition, you can harvest the fruits and make your own beer or soothing drinks. Young shoots are even edible. What you need to know if you want to grow hops yourself.

Next article hops in the garden or on the balcony properly maintain

Grow hops in the garden or on the balcony

Hops is an ideal ornamental plant for sunny and shady locations. The fast-growing climber planted balconies and forms in the garden during the garden season a good visual protection.

To plant hops, you need enough space and a trellis. The plants grow up to seven meters high and also the roots spread out strongly. Too close to neighboring properties you should not put hops to avoid annoyance.

But hops can also be pulled on house walls, because unlike ivy, the climbing plant leaves no lasting traces on the masonry.

The right location for hops

Hops prefers a sunny or half-shady. You can also grow the plant on a north wall without problems or pull on a north balcony in the bucket. The condition is, however, that the place is bright. If you want to harvest fruits, the location should be as sunny as possible.

Grow female or male plants?

In the trade you get only female plants. If you want to grow hops from self-harvested seeds yourself, it only turns out at the flower, which gender has the plant.

If you would like to cultivate the hops for beer brewing or to obtain the beneficial fruits, you need female plants. Only in these ripens the Lupullin, the most important ingredient of the hop for beer.

In areas where hops are grown for the brewery, the pulling of male plants is prohibited. Buy hops for growing yourself therefore better in a specialized nursery.

Hops multiply themselves

Although hops can be extracted from seeds, you do not know whether they are made up of male or female plants. Therefore hops should only be propagated vegetatively, ie via cuttings.

When is hops ready for harvest?

Harvest ripening is the hop dome when the yellow lupullin has formed inside. This is usually the case in August or September. Unfortunately, it is not possible to see from the outside if a hopper is ripe. Unfortunately, it remains only to open an umpole and look.

Hops hibernate properly

Hops are hardy. The plant infects over the winter and drifts back in the spring. Cut the hops down to 50 to 70 centimeters before winter. In the spring before the shoot you shorten the old shoots completely.


Hopfenranken winds around clock aids in the clockwise direction. You have to help. Make sure that you wrap the tendrils around the bars only to the right, otherwise growth will be slowed down.