What height should a sandbox have?

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
iSandBOX - AR Sandbox - Height settings
Video: iSandBOX - AR Sandbox - Height settings


How high a sandbox should be, depends i.a. from the age of the children

What height should a sandbox have?

When building a sandbox many aspects play a role. In addition to the size of the height of the sandbox is important. The smaller the child, the lower the sandbox should be. How to find the right height for the sandbox.

The right height for a sandbox

If the children are still very small, you should design the sandbox so that the border is not too high.Then the little ones can crawl in and out by themselves. For older children, the sandbox and the border may of course be higher.

For smaller children, a depth of 30 to 40 cm is sufficient. Older children would like to dig deeper, so the sandpit should be designed accordingly higher.

Ultimately, the height of the sandbox depends on how much time and money you want to invest.

Sandbox half or completely into the earth

Sandboxes that are half or completely buried in the ground, have lately prevailed, as they fit better into the overall picture of the garden.

However, you must remember that you have to dig very deep if you want to let a sandbox into the earth. If you only let it in half, you will save a lot of work when digging.

Be sure to lay out the base of the sandbox with weed fleece so that sand and soil do not come into contact with each other. This also protects later from weeds and the settlement of the sandbox by ants.

How much sand do you need?

A sandbox should be filled up to 70 percent height with sand. This may require a lot of sand for large and deep sandboxes. This point should be taken into account when you think about the height of the sandbox.

How much sand you actually need can be calculated by calculating the dimensions and height of the sandbox. There are even special machines on the net that can tell you exactly what amounts of sand you need to buy to fill the sandbox.


Find a good place for the sandbox. As long as the children are still very small, it should be built so that you always have it in view.