Picking sea buckthorn - no easy matter

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Stem cell effects of consuming sea buckthorn extract - Video Abstract ID 186893
Video: Stem cell effects of consuming sea buckthorn extract - Video Abstract ID 186893


Picking sea buckthorn - no easy matter

The harvest of the sea buckthorn berries has it all, for those who do not know how to do it. Unlike most other berries that are simply picked from the bush, sea buckthorn berries should find their way into the kitchen or into their mouths differently ...

Bloody hands, torn clothes and smears

Anyone picking the sea-buckthorn berries from the shrub with their bare hands in their ripe state can be prepared for many disadvantages:

And that's how it works better

Many gardeners have recognized the disadvantages and developed a solution to circumvent them. The industry is also geared to it and does not let its employees pick the berries with their bare hands ...

This is how it works: Cut the branches that bear fruit at the harvest time with pruning shears. Now you have the opportunity to dry the branches together with the berries at home or freeze them and then strip the berries or strip off the fresh berries on the branches with a fork.

Varieties whose fruits are good for picking

There are sea buckthorn species, which nevertheless are good for picking and do not have to be subject to the already mentioned harvesting method. After all, the burst berries remain with them ... These include the varieties:

The berries of these varieties are firmer in comparison to those of others and burst less when picked by the hands. In addition, they have longer fruit stalks, from which the berries dissolve easily.

Tips & Tricks

Do not pick the berries too late. With increasing maturity or overripe - between winter and spring - the fruits fade and lose their taste.