Worth knowing about Salweide in form of information

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 13 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The Salweide is a very decorative, hardy tree

Worth knowing about Salweide in form of information

Salweide belongs to the genus Weiden of the willow family. Their flowers appear long before the leaves and announce the spring. The flowers are called pussy willow and in this country appreciated above all as an important bee food source.

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Salweide is not only a valuable food source for insects. In humans, the early in the year flowering plant is also popular. Because of its fluffy flowers, it is tenderly called kitten pasture or palm kitten and often used for Easter arrangements.

Systematics and description

Distribution and use

Salix caprea occurs in central and northern Europe as well as in most parts of Asia. In addition to being used as a beekeeping plant, the willow trees are also planted on roadsides as well as for slope and bank attachment. They grow as pioneer trees on rubbish dumps and heaps. Their bark contains tannins, which is why sallow-willow is also important in medicine.

Location, cultivation and care

Pale willow prefers a sunny site, but tolerates light shade. The soil should be nutrient-rich and fresh. Salix caprea is absolutely frost hardy and can be planted as soon as the soil is no longer frozen. In the spring after flowering, a vigorous pruning can be made, if necessary, summer may be moderately re-cut. The propagation takes place via cuttings.


Salix caprea is not very good for living tents or tepees, as it is poorly plaited and breaks easily. For this purpose, it is better to use the wicker (Salix viminalis).