So plant sage in the bed and tub

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Planting Herbs in Containers: Oregano, Chives, Thyme, Mints, Basil, Sage, Rosemary, Lavender
Video: Planting Herbs in Containers: Oregano, Chives, Thyme, Mints, Basil, Sage, Rosemary, Lavender


So plant sage in the bed and tub

Sage impresses with a fine spicy aroma, silvery shimmering leaves and pink-white flowers. Reason enough for an extension of the Mediterranean herb plant in the bed and on the balcony. In the following, all fundamental questions about the professional extraction of sage are answered.

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Which location does sage favor?

Regardless of its Mediterranean origin, sage has a flexible adaptability to climate and soil conditions. At this location you can plant without hesitation:

Is direct sowing possible?

The most useful cultivation technique is the sowing of seeds directly into the bed. The optimal window is open from late April to early May. Prepare a fine crumbed seedbed enriched with sieved compost. Insert each seed 1.5 centimeters deep, at a distance of 30 centimeters. Keep the bed constantly moist during the 7 to 21 days of germination.

How is the drawing of sage on the windowsill?

From the middle / end of February, sow the previously soaked seeds in the seed box. Use a lean substrate, such as peat sand. Sift the seed about 1 centimeter high and moisten it with a fine shower. At 18 to 22 degrees Celsius, the cotyledons peek out after 7 to 21 days.

When is planting season for sage?

The ready-bought or personally preferred young plants may from the middle of May in the field. In the two weeks before we recommend hardening in partial shade for a perfect start to the profitable cultivation.

What is important when planting?

In the cultivation of sage, the critical phase of growth is successfully mastered by a careful preparation of the soil. Rake the soil well at the chosen location and remove weeds, roots and rocks. Then work in mature compost and horn shavings. Follow these steps:

Which substrate is recommended in the bucket?

So that sage in the pot thrives best, a humus and well-drained substrate in question. Special calcareous herd comes into consideration, enriched with a little compost and sand. Alternatively, grow the plant in a mix of loamy soil, compost, sand, perlite or lava.

When is harvest time?

Since sage is a subshrub, harvest time plays an important role in perfect cultivation. From the end of May, the harvest should begin and continue steadily until mid-August. After that, the plant needs its branches as winter protection.

Tips & Tricks

One of the numerous benefits of sage is the uncomplicated reproduction. Cut 6-8 centimeter long head cuttings during the summer. Used in a pot of peat sand, the rooting is completed within 3-4 weeks.