Grow cucumbers - one inside one outside

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Growing Cucumbers in a Container
Video: Growing Cucumbers in a Container


Grow cucumbers - one inside one outside

A cucumber in organic quality costs 3.00 euros. From a cucumber plant for the same amount you can harvest up to 20 delicious cucumbers. One of the reasons why gardeners love cucumbers. Cucumbers under the open sky - that's what you should pay attention to when cultivating cucumbers.

The right cucumber for every taste

Generally high-yielding varieties are the F1-Hypriden with a long harvest period. Some are also free from bittern and mildew resistant. For example, you can choose between the following varieties of cucumbers and cucumbers:

In order to obtain resistant, more robust plants, you can even refine cucumbers or purchase grafted cucumber plants.

Cucumbers Growing in the greenhouse and outdoors

In mid-May, cucumber plants can be planted outside at a distance of 60 centimeters. Anyone who fulfills their desire for warmth, sun and wind protection at the location and cares for them well, will be rewarded with abundant harvest. In order to make the growth of cucumbers in the greenhouse and outdoors useful, a climbing aid is the best solution! Exhale the side shoots in greenhouse plants.

Cucumbers growing on the balcony

In a bucket or pot of at least 20 liters you can grow cucumbers on the balcony. Fill the planter with substrate or potting soil, plant cucumbers, attach to a trellis and place in a sunny, sheltered place.

Finally harvest time

Only the flower then, under favorable conditions, already two weeks later time for the first cucumbers harvest. The full aroma is early in the morning in the fruits and is therefore the best harvest time. Overripe cucumbers turn yellow and should be harvested immediately, so as not to unnecessarily weaken the plant.

Good and less good friends

The worst enemies of cucumbers are snails and the cucumber mildew mushroom. Affected plant parts must be disposed of immediately.

Whether in the greenhouse or in the open air - good friends are beans, garlic, kohlrabi, spinach and dill. Less good: peas, cabbage, beetroot and celery.

Tips & Tricks

Cucumbers pickled as vinegar or pickled cucumbers are stable throughout the year. Fresh cucumbers can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. The longest shelf life is the sikkim cucumber. Do not store next to ethylene containing fruits like apples.