How to cut the flower - tips and tricks

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tips and tricks Amaryllis (Cut Flower)
Video: Tips and tricks Amaryllis (Cut Flower)


A regular pruning promotes abundance of flowers

How to cut the flower - tips and tricks

About the pruning of Säckelblume there are gardeners under different opinions, which are also quite justified. After all, there are various varieties that, of course, have different demands on care due to their different size.

Does the flower need to be cut regularly?

A regular pruning of your flower seeds is definitely recommended, so you can look forward to a lush flowering. Whether this should be done better in the spring or in the fall, on the one hand depends on your care habits, but also on the variety. Some seed flowers bloom on the old wood, others on the young ones.

If your seed flower blooms on the young shoots, a pruning in late winter is recommended, before they expel again in the spring. On the other hand, varieties that bloom on the old wood can be cut back well in autumn.

In the spring you should remove any frozen shoots. In June, however, is the right time to cut cuttings for propagation.If you have not pruned your flower for a few years, then it is probably time to make a rejuvenation cut.

Is pruning recommended after flowering?

By a slight pruning of shoot tips directly after flowering a compact growth should be promoted. Periodically remove the withered flower spikes, then encourage your squirrel flower to develop new buds and thereby bloom longer and more lush.

Crop the flower in the hedge

If you have planted a whole hedge with bagel flowers, then you should uncircumcise these regularly. On the one hand, this cut is used to preserve a beautiful shape, on the other hand, you prevent it as far as possible, that the Säckelblume too lumbers and blooms only a little.

The rejuvenation cut at the Säckelblume

A so-called rejuvenation cut is recommended for older Säckelblumen that already lignified and only sparsely bloom. Perform it in three stages, spread over the next three years. Every year, cut back one third of the existing shoots to about half the previous length so that all shoots are shortened at the end.

The essentials in brief:


If you are not sure whether your flower seeds flower on old or new wood, then cut the plant back only slightly in the fall. A pruning in spring could lead to a failure of the flower in case of doubt.