Create a round flower bed and make it appealing

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Plant a Round Flower Bed Full of Annuals : Beautiful Gardens & Plant Care
Video: How to Plant a Round Flower Bed Full of Annuals : Beautiful Gardens & Plant Care


Round flowerbeds are particularly noble

Create a round flower bed and make it appealing

Who says that a flowerbed always has to be rectangular? Especially in larger lawns round or curved forms are particularly good effect. These flower beds can be planted with the same plants as traditional beds, provided, of course, the location fits. However, there are some special points to note in the design so that the overall result is harmonious.

Selection of the location

While you can create a rectangular flowerbed almost anywhere, round shapes need a lot of space. Such a bed is the best in the middle of a larger open space - for example, in the lawn - to advantage. But you can also create it in the classic way as the center of the garden, on which all the paths run. However, when it comes to planting a corner, other forms are better: Such locations are perfect for pie-shaped or semi-circular beds, while longer distances along a wall, a fence or the house wall are predestined for long, narrow and square plants. Due to the exposed location, such a circular bed - the gardener also speaks of an island bed - is most likely to be in a very sunny spot. Accordingly, the plant selection to plan: Not all flowers and perennials tolerate blazing sun and heat.

Pour flowerbed or plant at ground level?

You can plant the plants on the ground floor, but also build a round hillside. This has several advantages: not only that the flower arrangement by the elevated situation rather catches the eye; Hill beds also ensure adequate nutrient supply and heat generation. To create a hillock, first dig a deeper pit that will fill you with organic material such as shredded branches and branches, immature and mature compost, grass clippings, foliage, etc. At the top is fine crumbly potting soil, though the bed should always have the typical hilly shape.

The optimal design of the round flower bed

But whether hilly or ground-level, round flowerbeds are always planted according to this pattern:

The Beetrand should be attached with grass curbs or the like, so that the plants do not over grow in the adjacent lawn or the grass displaces tender young plants.


Select the planting so that no bald spots occur during the vegetation period. Above all, be sure to select flowering plants for their foliage: Pretty foliage makes the bed attractive even after flowering.