The right place for redcurrants

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Video: Redcurrant


The red currant does not like direct midday sun

The right place for redcurrants

Redcurrants are not very demanding when it comes to their location. But in a place where the bush feels good, it bears more fruit and does not suffer so much from disease. What conditions should the site meet?

Next article Which diseases occur in redcurrants?

Warm and bright but not too sunny

Redcurrants thrive especially well in a warm, partially shaded location. Some hours a day - especially in the morning and evening hours - they also like direct sun.

Hot midday sun, however, tolerate the bushes only badly.

A very good location is in partial shade under tall trees. Keep a sufficient planting distance when planting. It should be at least half as wide as the adult shrub will later become high.


Redcurrants bloom very early. Due to late frosts in spring, the flowers freeze. Make sure that the red currant is in a somewhat protected location.