Which is the best red currant variety?

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Currant Comparison (black, red and white) - Weird Fruit Explorer Ep. 187
Video: Currant Comparison (black, red and white) - Weird Fruit Explorer Ep. 187


The different varieties of red currant differ i.a. in her taste

Which is the best red currant variety?

This question is not easy to answer, because that depends on your personal preferences. Numerous breeds have come on the market in recent decades, so that for every hobby gardener the right variety is there.

Size and taste of berries play a role

The best red currants for your garden can be found by setting a few criteria that are of particular importance to you. This includes:

Many of the newer breeds are proving to be quite resilient to disease. The berries are very large and the bushes bear a rich harvest. Highly cultivated currant bushes are refined and can not be reproduced themselves.

Unfortunately, the trend is towards large berries at the expense of taste. The bigger the fruits, the less aromatic and watery they taste.

Try out old house types

If you are particularly into the taste of redcurrants, you should keep an eye out for a few old house types. They are usually smaller, but especially aromatic.

Old varieties can be found on the Internet. Sometimes gardeners in neighboring gardens are prepared to give away offshoots from their old shrubs.

Small compilation of popular varieties


The modern cultivars of red currant are no longer so well accepted by birds. In contrast, the old home gardens had to be protected with nets if the gardener wanted to harvest a few berries.