Which location is ideal for the European beech?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Warmest winter destinations in Europe
Video: Warmest winter destinations in Europe


Beech trees are not very picky about their location

Which location is ideal for the European beech?

European beeches are native deciduous trees that are common in forests. Your requests to the site are slightly higher than the hornbeams. How to find a favorable location for your beech.

At what location does the European beech feel at ease?

Red beech trees prefer sunny locations, but can also cope with partially shaded locations. In the shade you should not plant a beech, because then it remains rather small and puny.

The trees need a lot of nutrients. Sandy or very calcareous soils are not suitable. Here, the soil may need to be improved before planting.

It is important that the soil is slightly moist and above all well drained. Waterlogged gets the red beech not.


As a location for a beech tree, you should definitely choose a sunny spot. The red of the leaves becomes really intense only in a very bright place.