Determine red beech on the leaves

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Identifying Beech
Video: Identifying Beech


Beech leaves are green and only turn bright red in autumn

Determine red beech on the leaves

The leaves of the beech have a characteristic leaf shape, which distinguishes them from other deciduous trees. Another peculiarity of the foliage of red beech is that it often gets stuck on the tree for a very long time.

Red book leaves are green

Despite the name beech, the leaves of the tree are green. The red in the name indicates the reddish color of the wood. The buds and new shoots have a reddish color.

The leaves of the beech have the following characteristics:

Only blood beech carry red leaves

If you encounter a beech with red, dark red or green-red foliage on the way, it is a blood beech (Fagus sylvatica f. Purpurea). It is also called purple bush because of its striking leaves.

The beech is a mutant of beech. In their leaves is a very high proportion of red leaf dyes that stain the foliage red.

So that the leaves of a beech glow brightly, the tree needs a sunny as possible location.

Decorative autumn coloring of red bee leaves

In addition to the Schnittverträglichkeit the color of the autumn leaves of the beech is a reason for their popularity.

The leaves turn from green to a bright orange. Mid-November, the color is most intense before the leaves dry and turn brown.

Red bee leaves hang over winter at the tree

Beech trees are deciduous trees. Unlike other deciduous trees, they do not lose their foliage in autumn. The leaves are mostly hanging during the winter. They are dried up and have a brown color.

Only with the new shoot of the red beech fall off the old leaves. They are then wafer-thin and can simply grind with your fingers.

The fallen leaves should be left under the beech. It forms there a good protection against the drying out of the soil. In addition, the leaves release nutrients. But you can only leave healthy foliage without pests or diseases in the garden.

Abnormalities on the leaves of European beech

If the leaves of the beech are discolored, become curled or wither prematurely, there may be diseases, pests or a lack of nutrients. Sometimes it's just too humid or too wet.

If the leaves become very light, the beech tree lacks iron. An iron-based fertilizer improves the soil.

Fungal diseases and pests are manifested by various symptoms. Examine the leaves carefully and cut off all affected parts generously if infested.


The leaves of hornbeam have a similar leaf shape as the beech. They differ however by the size and the strongly sawn edge. Also hornbeam leaves look a bit older when they are rubbed with your fingers.