Wintery vegetable pleasure: store Brussels sprouts

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Growing Vegetables in Winter: Brussel Sprouts & Broccoli
Video: Growing Vegetables in Winter: Brussel Sprouts & Broccoli


Brussels sprouts can be kept frozen for several months

Wintery vegetable pleasure: store Brussels sprouts

From autumn to late into winter, Brussels sprout has season. The pretty florets will dry out as soon as they are harvested. When stored in the right way, Brussels sprouts stay fresh and crispy for some time.

Harvest Brussels sprouts correctly

From September, the first florets of Brussels sprouts reach a respectable size, so they are ready for harvest. Always harvest the cabbage stalk from below: pick the ping-pong ball-sized florets, while the smaller ones above may still grow. A few days later, in another harvesting session, you can pick the leaf vases that have become larger, and continue until the entire stalk has been harvested.
So you can optimally harvest small quantities of Brussels sprouts as needed, so you always have it crisp fresh. Brussels sprouts can stay on the bed even in winter. Frost does not bother him - on the contrary: Only at minus temperatures do the leaf vines gain sweetness and unfold their full aroma.

Store Brussels sprouts in the fridge

If you've ever harvested or bought more sprouts than you can handle right away, you can keep the leaves in the fridge for a few days. At room temperature, the leaves would wither quickly. Put the unwashed cabbage in a damp cloth and put it in the vegetable compartment. Use brussels sprouts as soon as possible as they will become foul in the fridge after a few days.

Freeze Brussels sprouts

To preserve brussels sprouts for a longer period of time, deep-freezing is suitable. To do this, proceed as follows:

    Brush the Brussels sprouts by removing withered leaves, cutting the stem and washing the florets. Put water in a sufficiently large pot, salt it vigorously and bring it to a boil. Add the Brussels sprouts to the bubbly boiling salted water and blanch for three minutes. Pour the kohlröschen and fry them in iced water. This is how they get their fresh green color. Place the fully cooled leaf roses side by side on a wooden board and slide it into the *** freezer. By pre-frosting, you prevent the herbaceous flowers from freezing to a lump; so you can remove the roses individually. After a few hours, pour the Brussels sprouts into freezer-compatible containers with tight-fitting lids. Also freezer bags are suitable. Do not thaw brussels sprouts before use, otherwise they would become soggy. Just pour the frozen herb directly into boiling water or the dish you prepared. Need the Brussels sprouts within a year. After a few months, he begins to lose his aroma.