This is how to properly care for the 'Rose de Resht' in the bucket

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
This is how to properly care for the 'Rose de Resht' in the bucket - Garden
This is how to properly care for the 'Rose de Resht' in the bucket - Garden


The bigger the bucket the happier the Rose de Resht

This is how to properly care for the 'Rose de Resht' in the bucket

Originally from Persia, Rose de Resht is one of the Historic Roses and has enjoyed great popularity for over 100 years. This very robust variety tirelessly flourishes between late May and September, developing a veritable sea of ​​fuchsia-colored, heavily-filled flowers. These also exude an extremely intense scent. The vigorous Rose de Resht can be perfectly cultivated in the bucket.

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Roses need a big bucket

To ensure that your 'Rose de Resht' feels at home in your tub, you should choose a sufficiently large and, above all, tall planter. Roses belong to the deep roots, d. H. they develop a very deep taproot. Of course, this must have room downwards, which is why the ideal bucket for the 'Rose de Resht' should be at least 50 centimeters high. In addition to the size but it depends on the right material. If possible, choose a planter made of clay or ceramic (but not plastic - certainly not black plastic!), So that the roots can not heat up on hot summer days.

Essential: High quality substrate and good drainage

In addition, the bucket should have a drain hole at the bottom, so that excess irrigation water can drain. Like all roses, 'Rose de Resht' is very sensitive to waterlogging, so good drainage in the pot is essential. For this purpose, you should cover the bottom of the pot with potsherds or the like, so that the drain hole is not sludge and thus clogged. In addition, the plant substrate can be loosened up with clay granules, with the addition of coarse sand also serves well. In general, you should not save on the substrate: in a good rose soil your 'Rose de Resht' will still feel most comfortable.

Properly care for tub roses

Although the 'Rose de Resht' is quite unpretentious in terms of care, specimens cultured in the pot naturally need more attention than seeded ones. Always water the rose when the substrate is superficially dried, but do not allow the root ball to dry out. In addition, fertilize your 'Rose de Resht' regularly with a good, organic-mineral raw material. Roses are one of the heavyweights and therefore need a lot of nutrients.


Although the 'Rose de Resht' is considered to be extremely hardy, nevertheless bucket specimens should be packed well - due to the small amount of substrate in the pot, the roots quickly freeze to death.