Raising panicle hydrangea with stem: That's how it works

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Raising panicle hydrangea with stem: That's how it works - Garden
Raising panicle hydrangea with stem: That's how it works - Garden


Regular cutbacks ensure that the panicle hydrangea with stem grows in the desired direction

Raising panicle hydrangea with stem: That's how it works

Panicle hydrangea grow normally as a shrub that can grow up to two meters high and thrilled with its large flower panicles in bright colors. Usually this shrub is carried by several shoots coming from the ground, with some patience you can educate this Hydrangea species also with a single trunk. Herewith we provide you with instructions.

Educate high stems while planting

It is best, of course, if you already educate the young plant in the desired direction in connection with planting. But it is also possible to cut back older, not pruned and thus outdated panicle hydrangeas for several years accordingly. The education to the Hochstamm is not done with only one cut, it extends over a period of at least two to three years.

The planting

The first cut is already made on the young plant to be planted or newly implanted, with the best time for this procedure being late autumn. Select a bottom shoot that is to be raised as the main shoot and thus the trunk and cut off all branches. The branches of the main trunk are also to be cut over the second or third eye. If possible, do not shorten the main trunk.

The shape cut the following year

The following year, in early spring, before budding, remove any lateral ramifications that are above the first eye. In addition, cut off the trunk at the desired height, making this cut above the third branch above the highest branch if possible.

Possible care cut in summer

You can supplement the cut to form the stem by engaging in the summer. In the first two years after flowering, cut off branches and branches from the trunk. However, this cut is not essential.

Following cuts

In the following years, for example, in March, all branches that had flowered in the previous year were cut off at the beginning. Then cut all branches and branches along the trunk to about 10 centimeters in length - the three to five Leitäste (that is, the thickest and highest branches) may be longer. In addition, the shoots on the sides of the trunk should always be removed. This cut is repeated annually in the spring.

Tips & Tricks

Support the trunk of your panicle hydrangea with a stake or similar. Coconut fibers are best for binding, as they do not constrict.