Rauke only needs to be sown once

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Rauke only needs to be sown once

If one sows the rocket in the garden, the easy-to-care plant alone ensures its propagation. The seeds distribute themselves, if you let some plants bloom. When sowing for the first time, observe the following instructions:

Year-round sowing

In the greenhouse or on the window sill Rauke can be sown all year round at a germination temperature of 10 to 16 ° C. Sowing in the open air or in the window boxes starts in March when the soil has warmed up to at least 10ºC.Rauke can easily be sown again until the beginning of September. Sowing in several sets ensures fresh leaves throughout the year.

Soil and site requirements

The extremely robust Rauke makes no special demands on the soil condition. Acid, neutral or calcareous soil are equally well suited. It is only necessary to ensure that the soil is kept evenly moist, just to prevent the infestation of earth fleas. The grown plants also tolerate prolonged dryness. A garden place in the sun or in partial shade with the loose, humus soil is optimal for Erstaussaat.


In garden centers and online shops, a variety of annual and perennial Rauke varieties are offered. Choose a fast-growing, bullet-proof and high-yielding variety. As a rule, the one-time investment is worthwhile, as the roach will later increase the number of plants by self-sowing.

Sowing is usually done in rows with row spacing of about 15 cm. The seeds are placed in grooves of about 1 cm depth and covered with a thin layer of soil. Pour as usual and do not allow to dry out.

Depending on the variety, the germination time is about 5 - 15 days at 15 - 20 ° C soil temperature. After soaking, one should separate the seedlings so that vigorous young plants can develop. In the specialized trade also finished seed belts are available, with the use of which warping disappears. Already 4-6 weeks after sowing the first fresh leaves can be harvested!

Tips & Tricks

The crop rotation should be considered, d. H. At the earliest after 3 years sow in beds, in which other Kreuzblütengewächse, such as white, red or brussels sprouts were previously grown.