To re-lay the lawn without digging

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to Put Landscape Edging Down Without Digging
Video: How to Put Landscape Edging Down Without Digging


Scarifying replaces the digging

To re-lay the lawn without digging

When the felt in the lawn dominates, it is high time to renew the lawn. Lawn felt has a negative impact on the growth of grasses and affects the air and water balance in the soil. A lawn renovation works without digging.

1. Preparations

Mow the lawn down to about four centimeters and then apply a fertilizer on the entire surface. The nutrient supply strengthens the lawn and makes it more resistant to the upcoming care measures. In humid and warm temperatures, the old lawn will thrive within the next two weeks, so you can start renewing.

2. Mowing

Use a gasoline lawnmower because it can do more than an electric lawnmower. Set the appliance to the lowest setting and mow the lawn completely.

3. Scarify

By scarifying you remove the old lawn felt, moss and weeds from the area. This measure promotes air circulation and improves the water balance of the soil.

Unlike conventional scarifying, set the knives so deep that they cut into the ground for a few millimeters. Your instincts are in demand here, because the knives wear out quickly. Depending on the type of grass and the degree of felting, this step will cause you to tear more or less biomass out of the ground.

Drive the lawn with the scarifier completely in longitudinal tracks and then in transverse rows. Repeat this step if there are still large weed nests in the lawn. Thoroughly remove the remains from the lawn.

4. Balance unevenness

If the lawn is uneven, apply a thin layer of sandy topsoil. The layer should not exceed a height of ten millimeters.

5. Seed

There are special seed mixtures that are suitable for lawn renovation. The seeds should be distributed evenly and evenly over the entire surface. Sowing is possible by hand. A spreader provides a convenient alternative.

6. Fertilize

A fertilizer provides the seeds with nutrients to grow. Pay attention to a high percentage of phosphorus and nitrogen. Ideal is mature compost, as it also protects the soil from dehydration. The compost layer should not be thicker than five millimeters.

7. Watering

For the seeds to have optimum contact with the ground, you must thoroughly water the entire surface. The lawn must not dry out in the coming weeks. Water again as soon as the substrate turns light brown on the surface.

Tips and interesting facts

Spring is the ideal time for turf to regenerate the lawn under mild temperature conditions. In May, the fastest growing period is when the lawn is the fastest to recover from the damage caused by scarification. If you renew your lawn in this way, you will save the life in the deeper soil layers. They prevent the structure from being completely redeployed.