Does lime eliminate the moss in the lawn? - Tips for the application

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Get rid of Moss in Lawn - How To
Video: Get rid of Moss in Lawn - How To


If the pH of the lawn is extremely low, it may cause moss infestation

Does lime eliminate the moss in the lawn? - Tips for the application

Lime is not the only adjusting screw to rid a lawn of moss. In most cases, the problem of a mossy green area with lawn lime can be solved. Why this is so, when and how to lime your lawn correctly, you can find out here.

Why do you have to lime a mossy lawn?

Laking the lawn is not part of the standard care program. Only then, when the acidity in the soil gets out of balance, does moss gain the upper hand over the weakening turf grasses. For the lawn to develop as a lush green carpet, an ideal pH of 6.0 to 7.0 is desirable. If the value falls well below 6.0, adjust the deficit with lime. With a test kit from the hardware store you can check the acidity value in a simple and cost-effective way.

At what time of the year does lime work best against moss?

Lime effectively removes the moss problem in the lawn when deployed during the transition period between winter and spring. As soon as the soil has thawed completely and there are no fears of delayed frost, the time window opens.

How is lawn properly limed?

It is obvious that lime must penetrate deep into the soil to sustainably regulate the pH. It is therefore not enough to simply sprinkle the lawn lime on the surface. How to do it right:

Since lime is not used as a moss killer, but only removes the livelihood of the moss, previous scarification makes sense. Unless it rains heavily on the same day, then blow up the lawn. After a few weeks, run the pH test again to lime again if necessary. Experience has shown that only after 2 to 3 years, a re-treatment is required.


Do you not only value a moss-free lawn, but you also want to enjoy deep green grasses? Then you resort to a combination of lime and magnesium. Products like Harzer dolomitic lime or Cuxin green lime also have magnesium in their luggage. This micronutrient supports the formation of chlorophyll in the noble grasses.