Cutting almond tree made easy: helpful tips

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Two Chainsaw Secrets | Turning a Tree into Perfect Boards
Video: Two Chainsaw Secrets | Turning a Tree into Perfect Boards


Cutting almond tree made easy: helpful tips

Regular cutting is recommended so that the almond tree retains its charming shape and delights with abundant harvest. The cut is used for rejuvenation or illumination. When sick, it is considered a true miracle cure that can give new energy.

Early article Plant almond tree in the garden and enjoy the flowers Next article Spring dreams of almond blossom in Germany

Golden rules for blending

These branches can go away:

Annual shoots are blended so that the top bud faces outward.


Winter time is the perfect time for the rejuvenation cut. Often, pruning occurs in January when temperatures are at least 5 degrees Celsius. Furthermore, cloudy, not sunny days are suitable.

thinning out

The right moment for the illumination cut follows right after flowering. The aim of a copious waste is to preserve the magnificent shape of the almond tree. A strong cut increases the number of flowers in the following year. These favor a rich almond harvest.

Active in case of illness: fungal attack

As soon as danger is over, the gardener must cut back his almond tree immediately, so that the fungal attack does not spread on the entire plant. The Moniliapilz is one of the most common pests.

Identification mark in case of illness

First indications of a fungal attack are the external appearance of the almond tree. His shoots are suddenly dry and withered. Furthermore, the tree secretes a viscous, rubbery liquid.

Correct cutting back on fungal attack

The blend focuses on the diseased shoots. These are cut away until the beginning of healthy wood. In many cases, pesticides are not authorized. This also applies to the ruffling disease.

Nevertheless, it must be expected in the following year with another fungal infection. The mushroom spores often survive the winter even with good blending.

For this reason, special attention should be paid to the correct cut of almond trees. In addition, proper care and a perfect location can successfully prevent many impending dangers.

Tips & Tricks

With the almond bush the regular cut is not unconditionally necessary. Nevertheless, it should be considered that the flowering decreases enormously, if not from time to time created. In the case of illness or fungal attack, this method is just as effective.