Create discounts correctly - tips and tricks

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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A nice combination of two or three colors looks classy and not too colorful

Create discounts correctly - tips and tricks

A park or a botanical garden is hardly imaginable without discounts, in the local garden one speaks rather of flowerbeds. The transition, however, is fluent. You can make discounts on hardy plants or annual flowers.

What is a discount actually?

Discounts are a long and rather narrow bed, for example, with which lawns are enclosed. The old Dutch "rabat" means "garment hem" and has French origin. Some also speak of discounts in the front yard and means the flower beds along the way to the front door.

What is meant by replanting?

Discounts are often made with replanting. They are replanted at least for spring and summer, often again for autumn. The care is then limited mostly to the casting and plucking weeds. The advantage is that you have a lush flowerbed at all times. Disadvantages, however, are the frequent plantings.

In autumn, prepare the discounts for spring by planting flower bulbs. Snowdrops, winterlings and crocuses show up in late winter and provide a little color in the garden. Later hyacinths, tulips and daffodils follow, which they also receive in dwarf form.

Can I also create discounts with ease?

In the case of alternate planting, you have to replant the entire discounts two or three times a year. That is undoubtedly a lot of work. Instead, plant flowering shrubs or hardy perennials, eliminating the need for planting, which usually requires regular pruning. For example, roses are popular. So you do not have to constantly remove weeds, you can cover your discounts, for example with gravel or bark mulch.

The essentials in brief:


Discounts do not provide enough space to bloom profusely throughout the year. Nevertheless, they are never boring with interesting deciduous foliage, individual flowering plants and ornamental grasses.