Eating quinces raw: worth knowing

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Eating fresh quince fruit off tree
Video: Eating fresh quince fruit off tree


Eating quinces raw: worth knowing

Unlike other fruits, quinces are not suitable for raw consumption. Nevertheless, there are exceptions. We explain what you should look for.

Natural antibodies

Quince fruits generally have a very hard consistency. In addition, they are in the raw state very woody and sour. Kenner is already enthusiastic about her aroma, but most quince varieties require expert processing.

Nature has used a very special protection factor for quinces. Nutrient-containing quince fruits have a very firm shell. This is additionally covered by a fluff, which contains numerous bitter substances. This scares even children from the first attempt to eat completely.

It is not without reason that quinces are thoroughly cleaned before each use. Before water is used, rub the fruit vigorously with a cloth. Quick, the shell of the quince smooth and invites for consumption. Now you can help with water. Peel, de-corer and mince will follow in the next step.

Delicious exceptions

Especially old quince varieties are excluded from raw consumption. By contrast, newer varieties enable pure enjoyment right after the harvest. As part of the Franconian quince project, a large number of varieties were recorded in this regard.

Edible varieties for raw food fans:

Edible fruits from the home

In addition, in the areas of origin of the quince fruits grow some varieties that are consumed raw. This includes the Shirin. They thrive in Central Asia and the Balkans. Also in France and Turkey quinces are included as a daily fruit on the menu.

Tips for raw consumption

These special quince sorts taste a bit like apple. However, they are somewhat floppier in consistency. When eating, make sure that not only the fluff, but also the outer shell is removed.

In any case, the seeds are removed. These contain a great deal of hydrocyanic acid and are therefore toxic.

Tips & Tricks

Seeds, pulp and peel have been used in natural medicine for many years. Currently, these treasures are rediscovered again.