Hibernate Primroses: These methods work!

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
After the Harvest
Video: After the Harvest


Primroses in the garden should protect you from frost with a layer of leaves or mulch

Hibernate Primroses: These methods work!

There are them, the sensitive ones among the primroses. The fact that primroses react differently from one species to another to minus degrees is not exactly advantageous for laymen. If you are not sure if your primrose is winter proof, you prefer to overwinter it!

How are primroses overwintered?

Who has planted his primrose after the flowering period, can protect the plant as a precaution in winter. From temperatures below -5 ° C it becomes critical for the flower buds. Hibernation can be done outdoors or in the apartment in a cool place.

For hibernation outdoors, proceed as follows:

Tips & Tricks

For the winter, primroses in the pot on the balcony should be wrapped in newspaper wrapped in protective wall.