Caring for Philodendron properly - that's how the tree friend feels

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Caring for Philodendron properly - that's how the tree friend feels - Garden
Caring for Philodendron properly - that's how the tree friend feels - Garden


The philodendron should now and then be sprayed with water

Caring for Philodendron properly - that's how the tree friend feels

His aura as a typical bachelor plant owes the Philodendron a frugal unpretentiousness. However, you should familiarize yourself with the central aspects of your care. The answers to important questions about the tree friend show how to do it right.

Early article These philodendron species create an evergreen jungle atmosphere Next article Can Philodendron be cut at any time? - Tips for pruning

How to pour a philodendron?

The perfect water balance pursues the goal that the root ball is always slightly moist inside. In contrast, the surface of the earth should dry up in the meantime to prevent harmful waterlogging. Check by fingerprint if the substrate is about 1 cm deep dry. Only then let the soft water run until the coaster fills up. Once a week, the tree friend is looking forward to a gentle spray of lime-free water.

Does the tree friend want to be fertilized?

Nutrient demand is available throughout the year, with intervals of fertilizer intake based on the current season. How to do it right:

In order to optimally absorb the nutrient salts contained in the fertilizer, please water with clear water before and after fertilization. The magnificent leaves should now and then be wiped off with seaweed juice. This not only preserves the rich green color, but also provides valuable nutrients directly into the leaf tissue.

My Philodendron is growing over my head - May I cut it?

It is mainly the climbing Philodendron species that grow too big in the room. Since your tree friend is well cut tolerant, you can cut it back to the desired extent. The best time for this action is during the transition from winter to spring.

Please bear in mind with all cutting measures that the milk juice in the tree friend is poisonous. Wear gloves and long-sleeved clothing to prevent skin irritation.

The aerial roots are spared as far as possible from a pruning. The long strands do not serve only as adhesive organs. At the same time they contribute to the supply of water and nutrients. An aerial root should not be removed until it has died and can no longer fulfill its two functions.

How should a philodendron overwinter?

A year-round cultivation under normal room temperatures says your tree friend very much. Since he shivering at temperatures below 15 degrees Celsius, he may stay in the heated living room on the bright windowsill even in winter. From November to March, you use less water and only fertilize every 6 weeks.


Philodendrons have the amazing ability to raise their temperature. So that their flowers exude an intense odor, some species, such as Philodendron bipinnatifidum, heat the still-closed flowers to 38 degrees Celsius. The aim of this action is to attract the appropriate pollinator insects that can not resist the Aas stench.