The Funkie: danger zone sun

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: Funkytown


Most Funkien varieties do not like sun

The Funkie: danger zone sun

Completely thoughtless and lost in thought you should not plant funerals in the sun. Since the shot can go backwards. The reason: The majority of the Funkien does not tolerate sun. Why is that and there are specimens that can make friends with direct sunlight?

Funkien - not created for the direct sun

Their home is mainly found in forest areas. There they grow in the shade of the treetops and cover the forest floor below. For this reason, funks are basically not created for the direct sun.

In the sun, among other things, the soil dries quickly and funerals inevitably need a humid environment to grow well. A shady to partially shaded location is therefore more likely to do so.

Ready to compromise: These varieties tolerate sunlight

If you decide for a green hosta, you can plant it in the sun if necessary. Even varieties with fragrant flowers develop better from their scent when they see some sunlight. Last but not least, there are varieties with golden yellow leaves that shine more beautifully through a portion of sunlight.

But do not take it lightly: The merciless midday sun should never be left to Funkien! Also, a location on a south-facing balcony is completely unsuitable for funkies, as it gets way too hot in summer. Better is a situation in which the funerals receive morning or evening sun.

Do not put blue-dusted and variegated varieties in the sun

A hosta that has blue foliage or variegated foliage should not be planted in the sun. Here is only a shady or partially shaded location in question. In the full sun, such varieties fade. In addition, they can burn (brown spots), especially if they have a bright leaf center.

These varieties tolerate some sunlight

If you decide to plant a Funkie in the sun, choose one of the following sun-tolerant species / varieties:


At Funkien it means: Better to transplant than to keep the wrong (sunny) location and there to take the risk of fading and burning.