Philodendron aerial roots - tips for proper handling

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Aerial Roots & Water Roots... Not the Same! | Rooting & Propagation Care Tips | Ep 130
Video: Aerial Roots & Water Roots... Not the Same! | Rooting & Propagation Care Tips | Ep 130


Green aerial roots should never be cut off

Philodendron aerial roots - tips for proper handling

Climbing philodendron species are equipped with a system of earth roots and aerial roots. Earth's roots are responsible for the stabilization of the soil and the supply of water and nutrients. Which functions the aerial roots fulfill and how they are treated expertly, you can read here.

Airborne roots are doubly useful

If a philodendron gains height, the leaf knot of its shoots sprouts aerial roots. In the tropical habitats, they wrap around the bark of primeval forest giants, so that the plant can climb in the direction of the light. Since a philodendron does not fall a burden on the tree as a parasite, he is nicknamed Baumfreund.

At the same time, the detention organs remove water and nutrients from the rain and air in order to contribute to the supply. Unlike other epiphytic tropical plants, such as orchids, the main burden of supply to the philodendron rests on the earth's roots.

Care tips for aerial roots

In view of their key function for a magnificent growth of your philodendron, air roots should be left with the frame of care not left. How to do it right:

If you cut your philodendron completely, naturally the air roots on the clippings are also removed. A too long aerial root should only be shortened outside a cutting action if it is completely dead.

Air roots do not like a smooth, dry surface

In order for the aerial roots of a philodendron to stop at the climbing aid, the surface structure of a tree bark should be equal. Therefore, moss sticks and rods wrapped in coconut mats are popular as a climbing aid. Although the ground is sufficiently coarse, the aerial roots still find no support at the beginning. How to solve the problem:

After some time, thanks to the moist moss layer, the aerial roots have become so firmly anchored to the trellis that the binding material can be dispensed with.


Climbing Philodendrons can easily be multiplied with cuttings. Unlike the related monster, an offshoot does not have an aerial root to turn into a majestic tree friend.