The best plants for the raised bed

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to Build Raised Beds: Everyone Can Grow A Garden (2019) #8
Video: How to Build Raised Beds: Everyone Can Grow A Garden (2019) #8


It is important to make raised beds as varied as possible

The best plants for the raised bed

When planting the raised bed, there are some important details to consider. In addition to the choice of location is to pay particular attention to the right neighborhood choice and on the crop rotation. Which plants are particularly comfortable in the raised bed and when what is planted, you can find out here.

These plants feel comfortable in the raised bed

In principle, almost all plants can be grown in the raised bed. Less suitable, however, are proliferating plants or those that need a lot of space. Deep-rooted plants can only be grown in deep raised beds.
Raised beds are mainly used for growing vegetables, because they are ideal for back-friendly crops due to their height. Strawberries and all kinds of things are also planted in the raised bed. Less common but still possible is planting with flowers.

What to look for when planting a raised bed?

In the case of a raised bed, it is essential to observe the crop rotation so that the nutrient supply decreases each year. Therefore, it is grown as follows:

Below is a table with a selection of vegetables, fruits and flowers for the first, second and third year. Herbs are almost always medium or low-consuming and are therefore grown mainly in the second or third year. Nevertheless, it makes sense to plant a few isolated herbs between the starvationers in the first year, as they fend off pests (see below).

Starkzehrer in the first year

Medium-depleting plants in the second year

Weak teacher for the third high bed year

Using mixed culture to ward off diseases and pests on the raised bed

Those who combine smartly need not worry about diseases and pests. Here is an overview of a few useful combinations for your raised bed: