Peach tree exemplary cut - tutorial with instructions

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Pruning a Young Peach Tree
Video: Pruning a Young Peach Tree


Peach trees need vigorous pruning

Peach tree exemplary cut - tutorial with instructions

The benchmark for expert cut care on peach trees is higher than for native fruit trees. In order for the Asian fruit tree to grow successfully, it is cut vigorously every spring. The perfect cut requires a trained eye. It is important to distinguish true from false fruit shoots. Everything worth knowing about the perfect cut on the peach tree can be found in this tutorial.

Cut short-lived fruit wood annually

The richest fruit wood sits on the peach tree one-year long shoots, As in local sour cherries, these have grown in the previous year to a length of 20 to 40 centimeters. Juicy peaches carry a long shoot only once in their lifetime. As early as the third year, the wood has no flower buds whatsoever and blends noticeably. From an uncut peach tree you will harvest delicious fruits only a few years. By letting the scissors circle each year, the fruit tree remains fertile and vital for many years.

The best time is in the spring

For a masterful cut it is obligatory to clearly recognize flower and leaf buds. Beginners in the cut care of peach trees we recommend as the best time for the maintenance cut the month of February, just before the beginning of flowering. In this phase, roundish flower buds can be clearly identified even for the untrained eye. If you miss the appointment, cuts immediately after the harvest. In both cases, the risk is minimal that valuable fruit wood of the scissors falls victim.

As long as a peach tree is in the upbringing and development phase, the early spring is useful as a cut date. A cut in the expiring winter stimulates growth, which is desirable for the rather weak-growing tree.


Woods cut from 1 October to 1 March - for the benefit of our bird life

If you cut your peach tree either in spring or autumn, you make an important contribution to nature conservation. From the beginning of March to the end of September, the breeding season our massively threatened birdlife. In the fight against the "dumb spring" gives the Federal Nature Conservation Act of elementary important Grace period Reprinted with paragraph 39. Here it is stipulated that pruning is prohibited in principle. If it is ruled out in advance that in winter treetop or hedge overwintering wild animals, may be cut between 1 October and 1 March.

Meaningful cuts

In the care of peach trees, the scissors is a constant companion. On the day of planting a continuous cut care sets in, which continues with a parenting cut in the first three to four years of gestation and ends in an annual conservation cut. All sensible cuts for a rich peach tree are summarized in the following table:

A rejuvenation cut does not lead the table for a good reason. Larger cuts do not tolerate peach and nectarine. If the size of a wound exceeds the diameter of a 2-euro coin, a massive rubber flow sets in, from which the Asian fruit tree usually does not recover.

To distinguish true from false fruit shoots

The high art in cutting peach and nectarine is the distinction between true and false fruit shoots. That sounds more complicated than it actually is. We invite you to a short excursion into the botanical basics, to understand the connections and to implement the peach-cutting. The figure below illustrates that four different trellises can form on the framework shoots of a peach crown. All important identification features summarize the following overview:

Wooden drive (1)

Woodcuts are characterized by pointed shoot buds, These shoots are also referred to as sterile branches, because they neither bloom nor fruit. If a wooden drive in the education phase does not contribute to the crown structure, it is greatly curtailed. By leaving one or two buds, at this point you will have the chance that next year a valuable fruit drive will thrive here.

Wrong fruit drive (2)

Identify a false fruit drive on numerous roundish flower buds from the base to the end. Only at the shoot tip is a pointed leaf bud. Pseudo-fruit shoots are the biggest challenge for home gardeners when it comes to cutting. The many flowers are initially misleading because they unfold in a picturesque way and even form small fruits. However, leaves are missing for a sufficient nutrient supply. Sooner or later flowers and fruits fall off due to lack of energy. Nevertheless, false fruit shoots are not completely removed. As long as a small remnant stops with sleeping eyes, it can still develop a true fruit drive.

True Fruit Drive (3)

The world is fine on the true fruit drive. At each bud approach thrives a combination of roundish flower buds and pointed leaf buds. The arrangement in which the buds sprout can vary. Important for fertility is that in the immediate vicinity of the flower bud is a leaf bud as a source of supply. Frequently, a true fruit shoot ends up at the base or tip with leaf buds, which does not counter its fertility.

Buketttrieb (4)

All the short shoots, which are richly garnished with thick flower buds and have a leaf bud at the top for nutrient supply, are added to the valuable fruit wood. Bouquet shoots are for this reason also called fruit skewers and get no cut.

Overview of all the traits of the peach tree: wood shoot (1) bears only pointed shoot buds - false shoot (2) has flower buds along its entire length and a leaf bud at the end - true fruit shoot (3) has two round flower buds flanking each leaf bud, flanking a leaf bud - Buketttrieb (4) short fruit skewer, richly garnished with flower buds and a pointed leaf bud.

Planting section Guide

The planting are important tasks. He gets the branch going and initiates crown education. Best planting time for heat-loving shrubs, such as peach and nectarine, is in spring. Immediately afterwards you subject the tree to a first cut. How to do it right:

The center drive as a trunk extension, please intersect so that its tip bud is about a scissor length over the top buds of the Leitäste. Their shoot tips are at approximately the same height, which is referred to in gardening as a juice balance. Should a tip bud stand higher, the law of growth of the peak promotion applies here. The result would be a reinforced, one-sided growth, which runs counter to a harmonious crown shape and makes the entire peach tree unstable.

Educate peach with hollow crown

Native fruit trees, such as apple and sweet cherry, thrive fruitfully with a classic round crown. This does not apply to peach and nectarine. In order for the Asian fruit trees to bloom and fruit abundantly, in the garden practice the hollow crown excellently proven. As demonstrated in the figure below, after three years, the dominant center shoot is cut back to allow more sunlight to enter the interior of the crown. How to proceed step by step:

The fertility of Leitästen is optimized if this in an ideal Angle of 60 ° to the trunk are aligned. Too steep branches spread with clothespins or Spreizhölzern. Too flat shoots bind you up. Please pay attention to the fact that the end buds of the leading drives have the same level, ie in the juice Libra are located. Branches sprouting from the trunk below the crown are removed.

Educate a peach tree with light-flooded hollow crown. At the latest in the third year of operation, the center drive is removed, so that all four Leitäste be achieved evenly from sunlight.


Cut back the peach tree after transplanting

A cut out of line will get your peach tree if you have transplanted it. Within the first five years of its existence the orchard survives a change of location well. The best time is in early spring, just before the start of sprouting. Transplanting is associated with a massive loss of root mass for each tree. In addition to the conventional conservation cut, cut back the entire crown by a third. Thanks to this measure, you can restore balance between underground and above-ground parts of plants.

Cutting instructions for beginners

In the cut care of peach trees, the transition from education to conservation is fluent. Competent nurseries offer the shrubs as bush trees with a 60 centimeters short trunk and a total height of 150 centimeters. Without a cut the trees reach a maximum height of 500 centimeters. The special advantage is an early start of the earnings phase in the second or third year. How to complete the perfect conservation cut:

Frequently, the shoot tips on true fruit shoots are studded with numerous leaf buds. You can cut off this part of the shoots. Furthermore, remove any unfavorable branches and twigs that do not contribute to the crown framework or fruit yield.


In peach trees with a hollow crown, one-year long shoots may exceptionally point inwards. At full sun, they protect the inside of the crown from sunburn.

frequently asked Questions

Is a peach tree self-fertile?

Commercially available peach trees are usually self-fertile. For a harvest of juicy-sweet fruits, one copy in the garden will suffice. However, it is advisable to combine two peach varieties to increase the yield significantly. When you buy from the nursery, you can ask which variety constellation is advantageous.

With which root system does a peach tree grow? We would like to plant it near a paved area.

Peach trees grow as heartwort. A system of numerous, powerful root strands spreads in all directions.Please keep a distance of at least 100 centimeters from paved areas. Otherwise, there is a risk of horizontal roots lifting the pavement.

My dwarf peach tree in the tub has blossomed magnificently this year. Unfortunately he bears no fruit. At the moment, two thin branches are floating down the stem. Can I just cut off these shoots?

You should definitely remove both shoots because they are so-called wild shoots or water guns. Tear off each branch with a courageous jerk. After a cut, there remains abundant cell tissue, from which the wild drives drift merrily. Presumably, your dwarf peach tree is a non-self-sustaining strain. For the flowers to turn into fruit, they must be pollinated. This requires both a nearby pollinator species and industrious insects that handle the transport of pollen from one peach to the next.

How much frost does a peach tree endure?

A well grown peach tree can stand up to - 25 degrees Celsius. This is under the condition that he is in the sunny, sheltered location. At a young age, the tree has yet to develop the hardiness. A light winter protection is advisable in the first and second year. Cover the tree disc with leaves and brushwood. Threaten late frosts, wrap the crown with breathable fleece.

The 3 most common cut defects

The peach and nectarine peculiarities of growth are causing gardeners to make typical mistakes in cut care. Fatal results are an impenetrable network of old and young branches or a richly flowering tree without fruit. So that you do not quarrel with such malicious pictures, the following table lists the three most common cutting errors and gives short tips for the prevention:



Peach trees are among the rose plants. This feature requires special attention during crop rotation. Never plant peach for peach. The garden practice has proven that massive damage to young trees due to soil fatigue are to be feared. An extension of four to five years guarantees that the soil can recover to accommodate peach trees or other rose plants again.