Peony seeds: characteristics, ripening time and sowing

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Growing Peonies From Seed πŸ’πŸŒΊπŸ’ Collecting, Germinating and Growing to Maturity
Video: Growing Peonies From Seed πŸ’πŸŒΊπŸ’ Collecting, Germinating and Growing to Maturity


Peony seeds should be sown as soon as possible after the harvest

Peony seeds: characteristics, ripening time and sowing

In trade, they are usually hard to come by, the seeds of peony. But here and there in the online trade are the seeds of some peony species. However, it is also possible to harvest the seeds themselves when peonies are already growing in the garden.

Ripening time of the seeds and harvest

The seeds of peonies are usually ripe when the foliage of the plant gradually turns reddish. This is the case long after the flowering time in late summer. Do not wait too long to harvest the seeds! The ripe follicles burst and the seeds can easily fall out.

The germination capacity is drying up

Since the seeds quickly lose germination capacity (especially if they dry out strongly), it is best to sow them immediately. You should store them until the next spring! Therefore, seeds from the trade are not particularly recommended for sowing.

External characteristics of the seeds

The fresh seeds are plump, shiny, dark brown to black colored. Their form is difficult to describe. Each seed is unique. As a rule, they are partly roundish and partly angular. The corners are rounded and there are indentations.

Peon peonies from seed

The sowing of peonies is not for impatient minds. On the one hand, it sometimes takes up to 2 years for the seeds to germinate. On the other hand pass until the first bloom like 5 to 10 years. Therefore, you should consider sowing as propagation method thoroughly!

In the fall immediately after the harvest of the seeds, the optimal time for sowing has come. Attention: The seeds are cold germs, which are only germinated after a several-week cold spell. You can do that without a fridge!

This is how sowing works the easiest way:


The leaves that look out of the ground first are not the cotyledons. These are the first true leaves. The cotyledons are under the ground.