The side effects of peppermint

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 24 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Peppermint Oil Benefits and Uses
Video: Peppermint Oil Benefits and Uses


The side effects of peppermint

Although peppermint is not poisonous, over-indulgence can cause discomfort. Especially people who are prone to heartburn should use peppermint sparingly.

Peppermint contains no toxins

Peppermint you can reap even after flowering and enjoy. Unlike other herbs, the leaves do not accumulate too high levels of essential oils.

The herb is often used as a tea or oil for ailments such as:

However, peppermint can increase heartburn complaints. The essential oils have an irritating effect on the stomach walls, so that even healthy people can have problems after too much peppermint. This is especially true for peppermint oil, which should never be taken undiluted.

Tips & Tricks

Peppermint can easily be confused with the very poisonous pennyroyal in the wild. The plants look very similar and exude the same aroma. However, pennyroyal is rarely found today.
