How and when do you correctly harvest peppermint?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 22 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How to Harvest and Preserve Your Mint Crop : The Chef’s Garden
Video: How to Harvest and Preserve Your Mint Crop : The Chef’s Garden


How and when do you correctly harvest peppermint?

Peppermint tea, prepared from fresh peppermint from the garden, is very refreshing on hot summer days. But even as a spice, they not only appreciate the English in their mint sauce. Tips on how to properly harvest and process your peppermint.

Next article Conserve peppermint by drying

When do you best harvest peppermint?

There are three ways to harvest fresh peppermint

Properly harvest peppermint

Once the peppermint has formed enough leaves, you can pick off a few of them constantly to make a tea or to taste delicious dishes.

Since peppermint is usually drunk in this country as tea or processed into peppermint oil, the main crop should take place when the plant starts to bloom. Then the proportion of essential oils in the leaves is highest. The flowering period is from June to August.

Just before the winter, you can once again grab the scissors or the knife and cut the plants completely. However, the harvested stems are only suitable for consumption when the summer has been very warm. After cool, rainy summers, it is not worthwhile to process the peppermint because the leaves could not produce enough flavor.

How is peppermint cut?

Individual leaflets simply pluck your fingers from the stems. Make sure, however, that the stems do not rip, because this can quickly infest pest infestation.

For the main crops, it is best to cut the peppermint off with a sharp pair of scissors just above the ground. The plants tolerate a vigorous pruning and drive reliably again.

In between you have to grab the scissors again and again to cut the peppermint. The plants tend to proliferate and can be reasonably controlled only by pruning.

Process peppermint after harvesting

Peppermint should not be long after harvesting. The faster you process them, the higher the proportion of essential oils in the leaves.

The most aromatic is the peppermint, if you brew the leaves freshly harvested as tea or add to the food.

Peppermint suits a variety of dishes and drinks wonderfully. Dried you can create a peppermint supply for the winter and do not have to buy a finished tea. This is particularly advantageous because purchased peppermint tea is often contaminated with pollutants.

Different ways to preserve peppermint

Tips & Tricks

Peppermint is a universal herb that can cure you for many things. Peppermint oil is known for its healing effect on headaches. It even drives mice to flight if you put a few drops in the mouse holes.
