The petunia with an optimal care to flourish splendidly

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Petunias need a lot of water

The petunia with an optimal care to flourish splendidly

The petunia, which belongs to the Solanaceae family, originates from South America and can therefore deal better with direct sunlight than with wet, cold weather.If you take care of your petunias on the balcony or in the garden, you will reward them with a variety of colorful flower funnels.

Early article Planting petunia in the garden or on the balcony Next article Petunias: Diseases and Possible Countermeasures

How often should petunia be poured?

Since the hanging petunias can take on impressive proportions, in a sunny location due to the evaporation is very high water demand. Therefore you should pour your petunia in the balcony box daily during the flowering time in the morning or in the evening. Pay attention to a porous substrate and drainage holes, as petunias do not like waterlogging.

When and how can petunias be repotted?

From the icy sacred, young plants can be planted outdoors at any time or placed in the balcony box. But make sure that the roots of the petunia do not lie directly in the sun during the repotting and dry out. If you want to replace withered specimens, may sometimes offer an exchange of soil in the planter. In the case of ailing petunia, be aware of signs of rooting whitefish as it is transmitted through the potting soil.

When and how are petunias cut?

In order to prevent diseases, it is recommended to collect withered flowers every few days as possible. Most gardeners do not cut back petunia because they only cultivate petunia as balcony plants. If you want to try to hibernate, you should shorten the individual shoots to about 15 to 20 centimeters in length.

Which diseases affect the petunia?

The petunia is relatively frequently attacked by the following diseases:

What should be considered for optimal fertilization of petunia?

You can promote growth and flowering if you fertilize your petunia once or twice a week with a liquid fertilizer (preferably containing iron and phosphorus). During wintering, however, fertilization should not take place at all, since new shoots in the winter can not get enough sunshine and may show deficiency symptoms.

Can petunias be wintered?

Under the right conditions, the basically very frost-sensitive petunia can also be wintered. However, you should do this:


If you do not want to do without the wetness-sensitive petunia on the terrace, you can also plant the similar-looking magic bells. These make less frequent rainfall and are available in the same variety of colors as petunia.