Cut Passiflora - The pruning stimulates flowering

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Prune Passion Fruit
Video: How to Prune Passion Fruit


Cut Passiflora - The pruning stimulates flowering

Anyone who has brought a small Passiflora as a random purchase from purchasing or used young plants from seedlings, can hardly imagine how big these climbing plants can become. Many members of the Passiflora family can easily reach heights of up to 10 meters - provided, of course, growth conditions and care are right. No wonder, therefore, that many plants have to be pruned before they are put into winter quarters.

Formerly cultivating Passion Flower - For a splendid bloom throughout the summer Next article Overwinter passionflower frost-free

Caps of the side shoots leads to stronger branching

Passion flowers grow from a number of strong heads, which can also age with age - provided they have not been pruned before. However, the hoped-for blossoms show only on the young (ie this year) side shoots, which should therefore be shortened in autumn, but at the latest shortly before the start of the growing season. It is sufficient to let only three to five eyes, the more the plant then drives out again and thereby develops numerous branches. As a rule of thumb, the more new shoots and ramifications, the more blooms you can expect.

Remove blooms that have died

If you do not necessarily hope for fruits and seeds, you should remove the shoots with the flowered flowers. The formation of fruits and seeds costs the plant a lot of strength, and it also fulfills its reproductive urge with seed production. As a result, she invests less energy in her flowers. Ergo ensures that you enjoy the beautiful flowers of your Passiflora for a longer time. But do not worry: Since passion flowers are usually multi-year old, you can look forward to the following year.

Cut back Passiflora in autumn

Passion flowers can become very large: assuming a correspondingly large pot, as well as a beautiful, sunny spot and plenty of water and fertilizer, the fast-growing plants quickly climb all the trellises that they can get hold of. However, only a few Passiflora are hardy and should therefore be winterized frost-free - in the house, in the apartment or in an unheated greenhouse. However, you do not have to worry about space problems, because you can shred the plant without worrying too drastically. The leaders of older passion flowers can be shortened to about 15 to 20, so that they fit easily on the windowsill in the unheated bedroom.

Tips & Tricks

When trimming the plant, be sure to use both sharp and clean tools. A blunt knife or scissors would hurt the Passiflora unnecessarily, also provide a gateway for fungi and other pathogens.