Perennial passion flowers bloom for many years

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Passion Fruit in pot - from Flower to Fruit
Video: Passion Fruit in pot - from Flower to Fruit


Perennial passion flowers bloom for many years

The plant family of the passion flower plants is estimated to be over 500 members very large. All but one species, the tender Passiflora gracilis, are all Passiflora perennial and can easily be 10 years old or older under appropriate conditions and with good care.

Many Passiflora species flower only in the second year

Many a new owner of a "Passi", as these beautiful climbing plants are also lovingly called by their fans, are amazed when the little plant grows lush, but does not want to show its magnificent flowers. This unwillingness to flower must not necessarily be due to the laziness of the plant or a wrong care, but simply to their too young age. Indeed, most passion flowers do not actually blossom until their second year, because a spring seedling or seedling first puts its power into growth and into the formation of its roots. Only cuttings that were pulled and overwintered the previous autumn bloom faster.

Passiflora gracilis - a delicate beauty

An exception among the passion flowers is the very vigorous, flowering, annual Passiflora gracilis. This passion flower, originally from Central America, usually feels very well in our Central European climate and soon after planting begins to show its delicate, greenish-white flowers. Their flowers are quite small with a diameter of about two centimeters, also they are not nearly as splendid as those of other species. Nevertheless, Passiflora gracilis has its own charm due to its delicacy.

Hibernate passion flowers properly

If you want to enjoy your passion flower for many years, a proper hibernation is necessary. Passion flowers - no matter what kind - are not hardy - even if some species tolerate short-term temperatures down to -15 ° C. The best place to winterize your specimen is frost-free, but cool. However, especially important is the brightness, because these plants need plenty of light even in winter. A dark winter, in a cellar for example, does not survive Passiflora. Water the plant occasionally, but from September at the latest, make any fertilization to gradually prepare the passionflower for the winter.

Tips & Tricks

A pruning in autumn is useful if you do not have the space to overwinter the up to several meters high Passiflora as a whole. In addition, a recut plant has a significantly lower light requirement, which can be beneficial in the dark season.