Store a papaya properly

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Trick on how to save your leftover papaya
Video: Trick on how to save your leftover papaya


Store a papaya properly

With proper storage, you can enjoy papayas with the perfect ripeness for a few days. However, this only works if you buy or harvest enough mature fruit.

Previous article When is a papaya really ripe?

Recognize the degree of ripeness of a papaya

The perfect test for the exact degree of ripeness of a papaya is the combination of color assessment and pressure test directly on the desired fruit. A sufficiently mature on the tree papaya can be identified by yellow spots or stripes. While a completely green colored papaya will not ripen properly, you will recognize fully ripe fruits in a completely yellowish to slightly reddish outside color. If the fruit feels very hard with light pressure, you should wrap the papaya wrapped in some newspaper for a few more days in a warm place. As soon as the peel softens gently, you can eat the papaya or refrigerate for a few more days. However, the temperature during storage should never be below 7 degrees Celsius.

Store the papaya properly

A fully ripe papaya can be stored at room temperature for about 3 to 4 days and in the refrigerator for about a week. If you only want to eat a papaya in part, you can cut them apart in the middle and spoon out the seeds. The not immediately consumed half keeps in the refrigerator for a few days and can be cut and eaten slice by slice. For freezing a papaya, it is advisable to puree the pulp and mixed with a little lemon juice in portioned form in the freezer to give.

Be careful when storing next to other fruits

Mature papayas but the maturing gas ethylene. This property they have in common with the following types of fruit:

Store papayas and these fruits separately from full-ripe fruit, as this will not only ripen, but spoil faster at room temperature. But if you still want to ripen certain types of fruit, you can take advantage of this effect.

Tips & Tricks

The bitter-tasting seeds of papaya are often spooned out and thrown away. Of the pulp cleaned but you can also dried and used as a spice like pepper.