Plant the parrot plant: how to do it right?

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Impatiens niamniamensis - How to Grow The Parrot Impatiens
Video: Impatiens niamniamensis - How to Grow The Parrot Impatiens


The parrot plant prefers sunny locations

Plant the parrot plant: how to do it right?

When a fruity fragrance reminiscent of honey flows through the air and magically attracts bees, one thing is sure: the parrot plant is in its prime.

Early article Is the parrot plant toxic to humans? Next article Parrot Plant Care: Beware of Fat Leaks!

Should the location be sunny or partially shaded?

This native North American plant prefers to grow in a sunny spot. There she develops the most beautiful flowers. But even in partial shade, she can find a place. Among other things, it is suitable for beds and for the tub culture on balconies and terraces.

Which substrate does this plant like?

The winter hardy parrot plant does not place high demands on the substrate. However, she feels best in a soil that has the following characteristics:

When does the parrot flower bloom?

This exotic-looking plant blooms in midsummer. This is usually the case between July and August. Shortly thereafter, the extraordinary parrot-like fruits, which are often used as decorative elements.

Which planting distance is necessary?

If you plant the parrot plant, you should keep a minimum distance of 60 cm between it and other plants or several specimens of this species. Better is a planting distance of 1 m.

How can you multiply this plant?

For the multiplication one can use different methods. This plant can be multiplied with seeds, by cuttings and also by division. The seeds are blown by the wind in autumn and germinate in spring. They can also be sown selectively. The propagation of cuttings is similar to other shrub plants. For the division, the rhizome is dug up and split in spring or autumn.

But this plant also likes to multiply on its own. It has an underground rhizome from which several shoots may spring from the surface over time. If you do not do something about it, you will soon receive a whole 'forest' of parrot plants, which only need proper care to thrive.


If you do not want the poisonous parrot plant to spread unhindered, you should set it in the ground with a root barrier.