Pampas grass is so easy to multiply

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Dividing, propagating and potting Ornamental Grasses.
Video: Dividing, propagating and potting Ornamental Grasses.


Although it is possible to grow pampas grass over seeds, it is a game of chance

Pampas grass is so easy to multiply

Pampas grass is a very easy-care ornamental grass, which can also be planted well as a screen in the garden. If you need several pampas grasses, simply multiply them yourself. The propagation takes place either by sowing or dividing the rhizome.

Pull pampas grass from seeds

For sowing, you better use seeds that you have bought from a specialist retailer. With self-collected seeds, it is a game of chance, which properties will have the young ornamental grasses. The fronds may later have a different color.

In addition, you do not know whether self-grown semen produces male or female plants. Male pampas grass develops few or no flower fronds and is therefore not so decorative. In the trade almost exclusively seeds for female Pampasgras are offered.

The best time for sowing is the summer. However, until winter, the small plantlets are not hardy, so you have to overwinter them in small pots. Only after the ice saints in the following spring you may put the increased Pampasgraspflanzen in the garden or a bucket.

Multiply pampas grass by splitting

The simplest way to grow a pampas grass is to split the root ball. This is not only guaranteed, but you also have the certainty that the new plants will have exactly the same characteristics as the mother plant.

Dig out the horst in whole or in part. Pierce it with the spade in the middle or separate smaller pieces. In order to multiply pampas grass from the root pieces, they must have at least two eyes. The cuts should be about the size of a man's fist.

Plant the pampas grass roots in the desired location about ten centimeters deep into the ground.


If the peat grass has become too bulging, it may be best to share it in the spring to rejuvenate it. At the same time rotten root parts are removed. The healthy root pieces are ideal for growing.