The nightshade plant gentian shrub is very poisonous

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
15 Deadly Poisonous Plants You Might Have at Home | Toxic Plant
Video: 15 Deadly Poisonous Plants You Might Have at Home | Toxic Plant


The leaves, flowers and fruits of gentian are poisonous

The nightshade plant gentian shrub is very poisonous

The gentian shrub, also called gentian tree or potato tree, belongs to the nightshade family like all the plants of the family "Solanum". Almost all members of this genus are poisonous. For children and animals in the household and in the care, therefore, caution is required.

The toxin solanine

The gentian bush contains solanin in all parts, which affects the leaves, flowers and fruits that ripen from it.

Solanin is intoxicating and mind-altering. Even slight overdoses can lead to severe symptoms of intoxication:

Already the contact with the leaves can cause slight poisoning. Therefore, always wear gloves when cutting and other care work and make sure that you do not touch your face with your hands.

For poisoning immediately to the doctor

If you, your family members, or pets have picked up parts of your plant, you should call the Poison Control Center immediately and see the doctor or veterinarian.

Tips & Tricks

For children, the small ball-like fruits are a special lure. If you have children in the house, you should put the gentian tree out of reach or break the fruit right away.