Is the cycad hardy?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The most cold hardy cycad around
Video: The most cold hardy cycad around


Some varieties of cycad tolerate frost

Is the cycad hardy?

Anyone who gets involved in a palm tree should have carefully thought through this decision. These plants are considered to be care-intensive and sensitive. Especially against frost, they like to show their tenderly trimmed side ...

The fewest species of cycads are hardy

Most species of palm ferns originate from the tropical-warm regions of the world. Since they know no frost there, they do not tolerate any minus temperatures in this country. Already 0 ° C may mean the early end for some cycads. But there are also extremely sensitive specialists who get frostbite even at temperatures around 5 ° C. Other cycads are a bit more robust ...

Nurseries offer frost hardy cycads

In some garden centers as well as in the on-line trade are expelled Palmfarnarten, which are less sensitive in relation to frost. Neither their roots nor their trunk or their fronds freeze at 0 ° C.

For example, the following copies belong to these cycads:

How to deal with cycads that are not hardy

Have you bought a cycad that is not hardy in this country? Or do you live in a region where heavy frost in winter is not uncommon? Then you should protect your cycad definitely. Since hibernation in the field is not worthwhile, the Palmfarn should be quartered at home.

This should be noted:

Tips & Tricks

Palm ferns grow extremely slowly. Therefore, you should not risk frostbite and do not put the plant to the test in terms of its minimum temperature.