Palm Diseases: Which fungal diseases threaten?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
Gaps in Laboratory Diagnosis of Fungal Diseases
Video: Gaps in Laboratory Diagnosis of Fungal Diseases


First, it must be determined what kind of fungus the palm has attacked

Palm Diseases: Which fungal diseases threaten?

Fungal diseases are rare in palm trees. However, the Mediterranean plants are very sensitive to waterlogging. As a result, the dreaded root rot, which is favored by fungi, often occurs.

sooty mold

This is indicated by a black or brown spots on the leaves. Since it is primarily due to the excretions of lice, you should carefully examine the fronds.


root rot

This is favored by wrong casting behavior. If the water does not drain properly after pouring, for example because the drain is clogged, or if there is excess liquid left in the saucer, the root ball wets. The now prevailing lack of oxygen and mushrooms that make themselves wide as a result of the bad microclimate, destroy the root system. The palm dried up, although it was sufficiently poured.


There are no pesticides against the root rot. However, you can try to put the plant into action and save it.

Unless the entire root ball has died, the palm can recover quite. Put the plant in a pot with fresh substrate. This should have a sufficiently large water outlet, so that the greenhouse will not get wet feet in the future.

Only water if the upper centimeters of the earth feel dry (thumb test). Remove excess moisture in the coaster after a few minutes.


Sometimes fungi are mistaken for fungus, as the wiped-off animals seem to dust and leave a strange coating. Under the magnifying glass, you can identify the harmful insects beyond doubt, so that a targeted treatment can take place.