How to care for your Easter cactus - tips and tricks

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Tips For Growing An Easter Cactus (Spring Cactus) / Joy Us Garden
Video: Tips For Growing An Easter Cactus (Spring Cactus) / Joy Us Garden


The Easter cactus is extremely undemanding

How to care for your Easter cactus - tips and tricks

With its lush blossoms in pinks and reds, the Easter cactus (offered by Hatoria gaertneri or Hatoria hybrid) is a real gem for every home. Since it is also easy to maintain, it is also suitable for less gifted plant lovers.

Next article Do I have to repot my Easter cactus regularly?

The ideal location for the Easter cactus

Warm and light to partially shaded, this is the ideal location for the Easter cactus. It is neither in the blazing midday sun nor there, where draft prevails. In fact, this limb cactus is both sensitive to both. During flowering a change of location is to be avoided!

The soil should be well drained, preferably cactus soil or a mixture of earth and sand. In summer, the Easter cactus may like to go outside, but the night temperatures should not be below 10 ° C.

Water the Easter cactus properly and fertilize

The Easter cactus may be poured pervasively, but only if the excess water can then drain off well. Because the Easter cactus absolutely does not like waterlogging. An economical fertilization with cactus fertilizer is recommended.

The Easter cactus in winter

In winter, your Easter cactus takes a break at around 12 ° C. Do not fertilize it and reduce watering. This break needs your Easter cactus, because without hibernation he will not bloom.

To multiply the Easter cactus

Propagation is best with cuttings in the Easter cactus. Use broken limbs of the cactus or cut off cuttings with at least two cactus limbs.

Diseases and pests in the Easter cactus

Pests are most likely to occur in dry heating air. Mostly these are lice or spider mites. By a high humidity you can prevent an infestation. Too much watering causes root rot.

The essentials in brief:


In a bright to partially shaded place, the Easter cactus is quite easy to care for.