Planting daffodils in the garden

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How to Plant Daffodils
Video: How to Plant Daffodils


Easter bells are best planted in a moist, sunny spot

Planting daffodils in the garden

The yellow daffodils (Narcissus pseudonarcissus), also known as daffodils, are less and less common in wildlife, but are often planted in the garden as particularly colorful spring flowers. If the perennial bulbous flowers are properly planted, then they need little care.

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When and how are daffodils planted?

Since the sowing of the daffodils, apart from the self-sowing of existing plants, hardly plays a role in hobby gardeners, daffodils are usually settled as onions in the garden.The planting of onions for a flower in the following year can already be done in late spring, but better is a planting time in September or October. The easter bell bulbs should be planted at a distance of about three times the height of the onion to protect them from dehydration.

Which location do the Osterglocken prefer?

In contrast to tulips, daffodils are also coping relatively well with meadows that are rather wet in the spring, if they are not swampy and permanently wet. Osterglocken prefer a sunny location with a sufficiently humus rich and nutrient-rich soil.

Can easter bells be preferred in the pot?

Easter bells can also be pulled as potted plants for the windowsill. Add some sand to the substrate and provide the pot with drain holes and a coaster to prevent waterlogging damage. Bloomed plants can be planted after flowering without cutting the leaves into a garden bed to possibly flower again the next year or two. Never store the Easter bell bulbs in the house or cellar without labeling, as they are poisonous and can lead to serious damage to health.

When is the best time to transplant Easter bells?

Most gentle for the plants is transplanting in the fall, when the plant is more or less in a phase of dormancy and has already stored all energy reserves for the following year in the onion.

How are Osterglocken multiplied?

Osterglocken proliferate on the one hand vegetatively by the growth of new onions under the earth, in addition however also over seeds. For example, stocks in the garden in a good location can also spread considerably over time, largely without care.

When do daffodils bloom?

As the name implies, daffodils usually bloom around Easter in the months of March and April.

Which floor is best for daffodils?

The ground should be as follows for daffodils:


Sometimes after a period of three or four years the daffodils in a garden bed can become blooming and grow mainly leaves and no flowers. As a countermeasure, you can carefully dig up the bulbs and remove the bulbs from the onions. Improve the soil immediately with long-term fertilizing compost, before you plant the bulbs again with some distance between them.