Maintaining Phalaenopsis Orchid Properly - Guide to a Flower-Rich Attitude

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 14 May 2024
How to prepare the best potting media for Phalaenopsis orchids
Video: How to prepare the best potting media for Phalaenopsis orchids


Orchids are very caring

Maintaining Phalaenopsis Orchid Properly - Guide to a Flower-Rich Attitude

It exudes unique orchid glow on the windowsill, without straining the gardener with capricious claims. The wonderful Phalaenopsis is the ideal orchid for beginners thanks to its uncomplicated attitude. These care instructions address all important questions around the successful cultivation, peppered with useful tips.

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How do I pour the orchid to the right extent?

One of the central components of a well-founded care instruction is the well-balanced water balance of a phalaenopsis. To avoid irreversible waterlogging or fatal dryness, we recommend this procedure:

Please make sure that irrigation water can always run off unhindered. Please use a special orchid planter, which has a pedestal for the culture pot inside, so that the roots are not in the water. Wet leaves should be dry until the beginning of the night.

Watering and spraying go hand in hand

Ask an orchid expert about the most important tips for perfect water supply, he usually points to continuous spraying. Pamper a moth orchid with a gentle mist that involves the silvery aerial roots.

Does regular fertilization belong to the care plan?

In the period from April to October, a Phalaenopsis gratefully accepts additional nutrients. Please add a liquid orchid fertilizer to the water every third pour or dip. Between November and March, the application of fertilizer at intervals of 6-8 weeks completely meets the needs. Please note that conventional flower fertilizer has a much too high salt concentration and is therefore completely unsuitable.

When and how to cut a phalaenopsis?

This question should be dealt with in each guide, because no other question gives beginners more headaches. How good that a central premise provides action: never cut off green parts of a moth orchid. How to properly cut your Phalaenopsis:

Phalaenopsis orchids tend to exorcise below flowered pedicels and continue the flower festival. As long as there is still a green stalk base, please cut back there and give the next flowers a chance.

How do I gently moth the moth orchid?

In order to repot a Phalaenopsis in an exemplary way, a look into this care instruction is only required every 2 to 3 years. If you are at the beginning of an orchid stance, this measure only comes into focus after 5 years. The best time for a change to a fresh substrate and a new culture pot is the spring, just before the beginning of the sprouting. The orchid should not bear flowers. This is how you proceed correctly:

Fill the orchid substrate in small portions, knocking the pot repeatedly. Do not apply the freshly potted phalaenopsis, just sprinkle the leaves and aerial roots with soft water.

Is a phalaenopsis ill with yellow, flabby leaves?

Of classical plant diseases, the robust orchid species is rarely attacked. If the leaves turn an unhealthy color, hang limp and wrinkled, signal the Phalaenopsis discomfort. This dilemma is mostly due to neglect of care. The most common triggers we have put together for you here with tips on how to eradicate the error:

If the buds turn yellow while the leaves are still lush green, your phalaenopsis is almost certainly suffering from lack of light or too cold. In winter, fix the problem with a plant lamp. Also, avoid opening the windows in the immediate vicinity to ventilate the room.


If your Phalaenopsis is a little blooming, awaken the floral spirits with a significant lowering of the temperatures at night. If you place the moth orchid for 6 weeks in a place where the mercury column of the night does not exceed the 16 degree mark, this measure will bring the bloom induction into swing.