At the location the pipe shrub is not picky

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The pipe shrub prefers sunny locations

At the location the pipe shrub is not picky

The native pipe shrub is hardy and extremely easy to clean. Once he has settled in his location, his growth is unstoppable. What you should consider when choosing your location.

Early article The pipe shrub - ornamental shrub in countless varieties Next article Cut the pipe shrub - a guide!

Sunny location preferred

The pipe shrub likes light, air and sun best. But even in partial shade, the ornamental shrub thrives easily. Only directly in the shade, he does not feel well and produces only a few flowers.

The soil should be rich in nutrients, if the pipe shrub copes well with lean soil. To encourage growth, improve the soil with mature compost or horn shavings before planting.

Pipe shrubs can become very high and expansive depending on the variety. So choose a location where the shrub has enough room to spread. Otherwise you will have to cut the pipe shrub more often.


Never plant pipe shrubs close to prawn or common snowball. In these shrubs winters the black bean louse, which then falls in the summer on the pipe bush.