Bulbs on orchids - information about function and cut

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Orchid pseudobulbs - Purpose, functions and features
Video: Orchid pseudobulbs - Purpose, functions and features


Green bulbs must not be cut off under any circumstances

Bulbs on orchids - information about function and cut

To thrive in the eternal gloom of the rainforest, orchids have developed a clever survival strategy. So that they can absorb sunlight, the plants sit at dizzy heights on the branches and cling to their roots. The bulbs make a valuable contribution to the supply of leaves and flowers. Read here what bulbs actually are and when they are to be cut.

What are bulbs actually?

As a potted plant, orchids use their roots to cling to branches or rocks. With their aerial roots, they remove the vital moisture and nutrients from the rain. So that epiphytische Orchideen do not have to live "from the hand in the mouth", they bring forth Bulben for the Vorhaltunghaltung. These are thickened engine parts that serve as storage organs for water and nutrients. Out of these, the leaves and flower stems drift out.

Professionally cutting bulbs - That's how it works

As long as a bulb grows plump and green, it performs its vital task as a storage organ. Only when the tuber gradually shriveled and dried, a cut can be considered. Experienced orchid gardeners advocate performing the pruning in combination with repotting. The best time for most orchid species is a day at the end of winter. How to do it right:

The new culture pot is filled with expanded clay balls as drainage and a first layer of fresh orchid soil. In it you put the orchid together with its remaining bulbs again. Then pour the remaining substrate over the roots and water.

Backbulbs use for the multiplication - so it succeeds

As long as the bulbs from the previous year have not completely died and dried up, they have the potential for reproduction. Although these leaves have no leaves, they are only slightly shriveled and still have vital aerial roots. If one or more fallbacks catches your eye while repotting, it's worth trying to get them to budge again with the following measures:

Drift new leaves out of the bulb, the experiment is successful. Before you repot the future orchid into normal substrate, at least 2 new roots should have developed.


Do not be confused by the different terms Bulben and Pseudobulben. Orchid gardeners usually speak of bulbs, although they are technically correct pseudobulbs. Real bulbs are multi-shelled bulbs. On orchids, however, the tubers thrive homogeneously (without shells). There is thus no difference between the two terms.