Orchid is pushing new leaves on the stalk - this is to be done now

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 5 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to know what’s wrong with a Phalaenopsis Orchid from its leaves
Video: How to know what’s wrong with a Phalaenopsis Orchid from its leaves


New leaves on a stalk can be used for propagation

Orchid is pushing new leaves on the stalk - this is to be done now

It is a phenomenon that astounds us. On the stem or the pseudobulb of an orchid sprout new leaves, where actually flowers should unfold. Read here which strategy the plant pursues with it. So you benefit from the natural event.

An unorthodox propagation strategy

With their epiphytic growth Phalaenopsis, Epidendrum or Dendrobium fall out of the ordinary. In their homeland, the flowers are sitting on the branches of jungle giants, where they cling to their roots. With little room to spawn Offspring and Kindel as offspring, the clever orchids have developed this ingenious strategy:

The new leaves are therefore daughter plants - also known as Kindel or Keiki.

Tips for caring for Kindel on the flower stalk

In the first few months, an orchid child is not viable without the parent plant. As more new leaves and aerial roots form, spray the cuttings regularly. If necessary, support the flower stem with a stick so that the extra weight does not break it off.

Only when an offshoot has at least 2 leaves and 2-3 aerial roots can it be separated from the mother. For this purpose, cut off the child with a clean knife. Fill a transparent culture pot with a fine-grained orchid substrate for young plants over a drainage of expanded clay. In it you plant the daughter plant and water.

High humidity activates growth

Given the low leaf volume and sparse air roots, the offshoot relies on high humidity for the first few months. Therefore place the seed pot in a mini greenhouse. Alternatively, put the container over a perforated plastic bag, which is aired several times a day.


If a Phalaenopsis sprouts basal new leaves but no flowers, the plant collects fresh forces for the growth of young flower stalks. Continue the care at the bright location with regular dipping and fertilizing. A lowering of the temperatures by 5 degrees Celsius below the normal level, contributes to the flowering induction.