From the Mediterranean to Germany - How to successfully plant an olive tree

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
OLIVE OIL | How is it Made? (OLIVE: How Does it Grow?)
Video: OLIVE OIL | How is it Made? (OLIVE: How Does it Grow?)


From the Mediterranean to Germany - How to successfully plant an olive tree

The often centuries, even millennia old olive trees with their rustic, gnarled appearance are a common sight in the Mediterranean region. But even in Germany, the really easy-care tree can be pulled well and even bear fruit with good care; provided you follow some basic rules.

Next article 10 valuable tips for the proper care of the olive tree

Where can I get an olive tree?

Young olive trees can be found in the garden center or in many specialized nurseries. If possible, do not buy any imported goods, since these plants mostly come from the Mediterranean countries and are therefore used to completely different temperatures than are usual here.

Can I even grow an olive tree from a seed?

Yes, that is basically possible - but also very difficult, since the olives that are available here are all already prepared. Therefore, these nuclei are usually no longer germinable. But you can try to bring fresh olives from your holiday.

Does an olive tree thrive in the garden?

With appropriate habituation especially older olive trees flourish in the field. However, they are only slightly frost-resistant and therefore require a suitable parking space in winter.

Which location do olive trees prefer?

Olives love it as sunny and protected as possible.

Which soil / substrate do olive trees need?

With regard to the soil, olives are undemanding. and thrive almost everywhere. The earth should just not be too wet because the tree does not tolerate much water. Sandy or loamy, loose soils are best suited.

Does the olive tree also grow in a bucket?

Yes, especially young trees are better off in the first few years in a bucket. They are more susceptible to frost and other adversities than older trees and therefore need more protection. Olive trees grow very slowly.

I want to plant several olive trees. Which minimum distance should I choose?

Between two trees a distance of at least seven meters should be kept. In addition, you should plant below the tree no other plants (including flowers, etc.).

When should I repot the olive tree?

Olive trees need to be repotted as soon as the roots grow out of the pot. In addition, do not choose too big pots as otherwise very strong roots will form - but only a small tree.

When does the olive tree blossom?

Olive trees bloom only at the comparatively late age between six and seven years for the first time. The main flowering period is between April and June, with the flowering the later in the year, the cooler it is in the region.

How can I multiply my olive tree?

Olives are excellent for propagating cuttings.

Tips & Tricks

Olives tolerate no waterlogging. When planting, ensure sufficient drainage in the pot or plant hole by packing a layer of pebbles at the bottom and only then the plant substrate.