Olives need little water

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Oliver Tree & Little Big - The Internet [Music Video]
Video: Oliver Tree & Little Big - The Internet [Music Video]


Olives need little water

The home of the real olive tree, as the olive is botanically also called, are the regions around the Mediterranean. Here there is a Mediterranean climate with long, hot and dry summers, while the winters are rather mild and rainy.

Water olives only moderately

From their home countries, the olive is very used to dryness. Too much moisture quenches the plant with rotting roots and withered leaves, which are then often thrown off. As it rains much more often (and more vigorously) in our latitudes, olives that have just been planted outdoors do not need any additional watering - on the contrary, you should instead ensure that the soil is well drained and that no waterlogging can form.

Water the room olives regularly

The situation is different with olives grown in pots or pots on the balcony and terrace or with room olives. These can not cover their water needs through the deep and branched roots and should therefore be watered regularly but only slightly. A renewed watering is necessary when the substrate is dried in the pot on the surface. Nevertheless, a good drainage, about a layer of pebbles in the pot, is required. This measure should help avoid waterlogging, because non-draining water can damage the roots and make them rot.

Water and fertilize bucket olives properly

This is how to handle the pouring and fertilizing of potted olives:

Tips & Tricks

In-room olives like it if you sprinkle them from time to time around - including the leaves and stem - with a little water from a spray bottle.