Oleander - The Mediterranean beauty in the profile

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Video: Oleander


Oleander: An exotic shrub for tub and garden

Oleander - The Mediterranean beauty in the profile

Italian rites know this sight: Huge, spreading shrubs with delicate flowers in bright colors in gardens, on roadsides or simply in the great outdoors - the oleander widespread especially in Bella Italia, but also in other countries around the Mediterranean. With us the poisonous ornamental shrub is cultivated because of its lack of frost hardness above all as container plant.

The Oleander - in a nutshell

The Mediterranean oleander grows wild on river and stream runs

In the wild, the wild-growing (and usually pink flowering) oleander thrives in the immediate vicinity of rivers and streams, preferably in very sunny and warm locations. These exposed areas are characterized by extreme dryness during the hot summer months and excessive wetness as the waters overflow their shores and flood the shore area. The Oleander has adapted perfectly to these living conditions: it easily survives the long periods of thirst, by forming very long, roots reaching to the groundwater and thus being able to supply itself adequately. In addition, he is one of the few potted plants that have no problems with waterlogging.

Oleander in the home garden

Since oleander is not hardy and most varieties only tolerate temperatures of up to minus five degrees Celsius for a short time, the bush should not be planted directly in the garden at our latitudes - unless you live in a region with rather mild winters. Instead, a Kübelhaltung should be favored, with Oleander belong outside. As a houseplant, they are not necessarily suitable. However, the very poisonous shrub needs a lot of care, has to be regularly and heavily watered and fertilized and is also quite vulnerable to various diseases as well as a pest infestation.


Oleanders overwinter best frost-free, but cool and bright at temperatures of around five degrees Celsius.